Unleashing the Power of Friendship: James’ Inspirational Story of Faith and Service

James had no friends. He felt as though no one even wanted to be around him.

At church, it seed like no one wanted to shake his hand. At work, he was the last one his supervisor asked for new ideas. “What’s wrong with me?” he asked himself. “I’m pretty sure I don’t have some kind of weird disease.”

James went to the local YMCA to work out at least three days a week. He was almost always by himself. He tried to join in group activities. In fact he tried pickle ball. The other players sort of pushed him aside because he didn’t know how to play. It seemed no one wanted to take the time to coach him a long. “I’m lonely all the time,” he confided in Bill the custodian.

However, what James didn’t know he had lots of friends. In fact, they all wanted to be considered his best friend. At church, everyone wanted to shake his hand, at the YMCA they would invite him to participate in various activities. At work, he was asked for his input on a procedure or how to run the office more effectively.

James wasn’t just a friend in name only. He went out of his way to help people and put others first before himself. Here’s an example, he would buy a family down on their luck groceries before buying any for himself.

James and his best friend Robert, always went out of their way to help others. “We don’t always ask, we just do what needs to be done.” said Robert.

“That’s right,” said James. “We ask, ‘What can we do for our friends?”

James and Robert were known to family members and neighbors, if you needed help with something you could call the “boy’s”. One day they decided to clean some vacant lots in their neighborhood. The lots had old tires and garage strewn all about. Before long many of their friends joined the cause.

Local media caught wind of the cleanup.. They found them working on their third vacant lot.

TV reporter asked James, “Why are you doing this?” James replied that the village had limited funds for a project like this and they just wanted to help out.

A newspaper reporter asked what it meant to have his friends help with the cleanup.

“Friends can inspire and encourage and help you reach a common goal, like cleaning up these vacant properties”. James went on to say, “Friendship very important to a person’s well being, and being friendly to others exemplifies my faith,”.

James quoted Proverbs 18:24, “”One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother “

James concluded, “At the end of the day, being a friend, and helping others without hesitation, helps me to show them the love of God. And with some people that could almost be a full-time job!”